
Changes to the Group Savings and Retirement investment fund lineup

Top stories September 5, 2024

Our investment specialists continuously monitor the investment funds offered to our Group Savings and Retirement clients. They make sure that the high-quality standards they have established are met and that the fund offering remains comprehensive, distinctive and competitive.

With this in mind, certain changes will be made soon.


Funds to be added

We will be adding three sustainable investment funds to our standard lineup on October 15, 2024.

Refer to the document titled What’s new in the investment fund lineup? to learn more about these funds. We will also be happy to discuss them with you if needed.


Funds to be closed

Thirteen investment funds will be closed on November 22, 2024. Plan sponsors will be informed on September 19 but, as of today, you can go ahead and contact your clients who will be affected by these fund closures.

Unless we receive specific investment instructions from you or your clients before October 1, 2024, we will automatically transfer the amounts invested in these funds to the replacement funds.



LifePath Index 2025 Fund (BlackRock)

BlackRock has informed our team of investment specialists that the composition of the LifePath Index 2025 Fund will be identical to that of the LifePath Retirement Index I from the end of 2024. This is a standard process that takes place every five years, initiated by Blackrock when the target retirement date is reached. We are therefore advising our clients that we will be closing the LifePath Index 2025 Fund in 2025, as there may be tax implications associated with the transfer of non-registered amounts invested in this fund. As a result, plan members will be able to choose whether to transfer their funds this year or in 2025.


Communication to plan sponsors

On September 19, 2024, we will contact the plan sponsors whose fund lineups include the funds being closed.

See the communication to plan sponsors.

You are invited to contact your clients and perform the required follow-ups, especially with regard to registered pension plan (RPP) investment policies, if required.


Plan member communication

At the end of October, we will communicate with plan members who have invested money in the funds being closed and who determine their own investment instructions. An email will be sent to plan members who have signed up to receive our electronic communications. Those who have not will receive a letter in the mail. They will be directed to the information page at ia.ca/inv-funds for detailed information.


Important dates

September 19

  • Communication to sponsors whose plans offer the soon-to-be-closed funds, by email or mail

October 1

  • Deadline to request replacement funds other than the ones recommended for the soon-to-be-closed funds


  • Addition of the funds

October 18

  • Date on which the closed funds will no longer be offered to new clients
  • Addition of the replacement funds to clients’ fund offerings, if necessary

October 28

  • Communication to plan members by email or mail

November 22

  • Closure of the above-listed funds, transfer of the money invested in the closed funds to the replacement funds and changes to the investment instructions for future contributions, if applicable

If you have specific questions about the investment funds, contact your Account Executive.