
Asset management | Changes to ATTITUDE Portfolios

Group Savings and Retirement August 23, 2024

Recent changes were made to the Canadian Equity and Global Equity mandates of the ATTITUDE Portfolios, our life cycle investment solution. These changes were done at the closing of the markets on August 9, 2024. 

We removed the Canadian Equity Low Volatility (TD) fund and reduced the Global Equity Low Volatility ACWI (TD) mandate. The allocation to the Canadian Equity Low Volatility (TD) mandate will be redistributed equally among the three other Canadian equity funds in the portfolios. As for the allocation to the Global Equity Low Volatility ACWI (TD) mandate, it will be halved and allocated to the Global Equity (iA) mandate. 

The decision was made in the best interest of the ATTITUDE portfolios’ current investors. 

As a result of these changes, the risk/return profile of the portfolios should be enhanced for the Canadian and Global Equities, allowing better performance capture in up markets without compromising meaningful capital protection in down markets.

For complete information and to know the affected funds, please consult the Investment Update of August 12, 2024 – TD.