
Inclusive coverages | A valuable asset for your clients

Group Insurance March 20, 2025

Fertility issues have a significant impact on many people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one in six people are affected by infertility.


For those affected, beginning or expanding a family often involves complex, lengthy and costly procedures. It’s in this context that Fertility coverage can make a real difference, by reducing the financial stress associated with the costs of conceiving a child and reimbursing the cost of certain drugs, care and treatment. We offer this coverage à la carte, and clients can add it to their group insurance plan according to their equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy.


We also offer à la carte coverage for:

  • Adoption
  • Surrogacy
  • Gender affirmation




We firmly believe that the addition of these coverages can play a key role in attracting and retaining talent, as well as promoting the total wellbeing of plan members.

For more information on our inclusive coverages, see our brochure or visit our webpage.

Do you have any questions or know any groups who might be interested in these coverages? Contact your Account Executive.


We will be sending out a communiqué to group insurance plan administrators on March 24.

See the French version of this communiqué.


We're invested in you by offering your clients innovative solutions focused on total wellbeing that meet their constantly evolving needs.


We offer inclusive coverages for groups of 50 or more plan members.