
Inclusive coverages | Support for gender affirmation

Group Insurance September 19, 2024

For many organizations, integrating a more inclusive approach into benefits programs has become a must.

That's why we offer inclusive coverages that make certain drugs, care and treatments more accessible to group insurance plan members and their dependents.


Support for gender affirmation

Some people who want to live fully in harmony with themselves may consider gender-affirming care and treatment, but the cost can sometimes be an obstacle.

Our Gender affirmation coverage provides essential support by reimbursing certain expenses, treatments and drugs not covered by the public plan.


À la carte coverage for a tailor-made program

Gender affirmation coverage is offered à la carte and can be added to group insurance plans according to each organization's equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy.

And for added convenience, we offer a flexible formula that allows organizations to choose the maximum amounts they wish to cover.

In addition to this coverage, we offer three à la carte family support coverages: Fertility, Surrogacy and Adoption.


For more information on our inclusive coverages, see our brochure or visit our webpage.


If you have any questions or know any groups who might be interested in these coverages, contact your Account Executive.


We will be sending out a communiqué to group insurance plan administrators on September 23.

See the French version of this communiqué.


Group Benefits and Retirement Solutions: a comprehensive offering

Our flexible, intuitive and easy-to-manage solutions create real value and support the diverse needs of organizations.


We offer inclusive coverages for groups of 50 or more plan members.