
Individual pension plans (IPP) | Your clients can still take advantage of 2024 tax benefits

Group Savings and Retirement September 19, 2024

An IPP is an ideal solution for executives and business owners since it usually allows for higher contributions than the RRSP contribution limit. An IPP therefore provides an excellent opportunity to save more for a comfortable retirement. Also, since the plan is registered, the savings accumulate on a tax-free basis, resulting in tax savings during the accumulation period and better retirement income.



To avoid losing this year's tax benefits, we must receive all documents before November 15.


There’s still time to present this solution to your clients! Here are the tools available to help you:

  • IPP website, including a simulator
  • Brochure for your clients
  • Sample illustration (contact our IPP Account Executives to obtain one)

Fill out the Member Profile form to collect the data needed to calculate specific accumulation scenarios for the interested person. Also ask for a copy of their most recent T4 slips and Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency. These will be needed to set up the plan.

Our IPP Account Executives can support you every step of the way, including working with you to present the IPP to your clients, and to help you achieve positive results before the November 15 deadline.

Don't hesitate to contact our specialists if you have any questions about the IPP, or if you need assistance with your sales process.


Christine Culbertson: christine.culbertson@ia.ca

Jean-Michel Fortier: jean-michel.fortier@ia.ca